Welcome back to Term 3 – a special welcome to our new families. The Winter term can mean a few more bugs and sniffles. If your child is unwell please keep them home until they are well so they do not pass on their germs to the rest of their class.
Year 4 to 8 Interim Reporting Conferences are coming up next week. See below for all the details.
Tuesday 29th July – 1.30pm to 8pm
(School closes at 12.30pm for ALL students)
Wednesday 30th July – 3.15pm to 8pm
Website: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz
Event Code: EB2UJ – Bookings are open now. If you do not have internet access please phone and ask for Michele in the office who can make a booking for you. If you do have internet access we would prefer you to arrange the booking yourself.
A creche will run in the library during the conferences for siblings you do not wish to take into the conferences.