The house colours make for a more spirited, competitive and enjoyable inter-house competition. Each house receives a lot of support from their own students and teachers. The House System is great for having greater interaction across the year levels of the school and it certainly adds colour and spice to all the events.
Houses are named after significant landmarks in the local area:
Rāpaki House being named after the Rāpaki Track and local Māori from Lyttelton.
Huntsbury House being named after Huntsbury Hill.
Glenelg House being named after The Glenelg Spur.
Bowenvale being named after the bike tracks and hills in the local area.
House Competition
2012 saw the redesign of the House System at St Martins School. Houses had been established for many years at the school, yet some students were unsure of what house they were in and spirit had dropped off. We introduced regular house events, weekly assembly house points updates and points for entering or placing in a school sports event.
The year proved a huge success, with students and teachers showing more pride in their house. We had two major events each term along with the major school sports events of Swimming, Cross Country, Duathlon and Athletics Day.
The events started in 2012 that continue to this day are: House Relay, House Tug of War, Top Town and House Gladiator competition.