On Thursday 31st January and Friday 1st February the school office will be open between 10am to 2pm for uniform sales.
School will open for instruction on Monday 4th February 2019.
To start the year we will have a Mihi Whakatau in the school hall on the first day of the term, Monday 4th February 2019. Mihi whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions, openings and other events which take place off the marae.
On their arrival at school on this first day the children are to go into their classrooms. Once the roll has been taken and notices given, classes will line up and go down to the hall for the Mihi Whakatau. By 9.am we will be assembled in the Wharenui, (the School Hall). We invite new students and their families as well as new staff to sit at the front of the hall on the seats that will be placed out for them.
On Friday 8th February 2019 is the annual Back to School BBQ – the details were in the last school and S’Mart Community newsletters which are on the school website.