The Lachie Challenge
The St Martins School Student Council is organising a number of upcoming fundraising events to raise funds for one of the students in our school whānau. Lachie Sutherland has again been diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer.
We are organising the following events:
- Lachie Bands
- Shave Ya Lid For OUR Kid
- Sutherland Smoothies, and
- Laps for Lachie
Lachie Bands are a tribute band for Lachie. Year 5-8 students are encouraged to wear them on Wednesday 23rd October for our Athletics Day and Year 0-4 students can wear them at school on the same day. The bands will be in our house colours so that we can support our houses and Lachie. The Lachie Bands will be sold on Tuesday 22nd of October before and after school. We will have two stalls set up: 1) outside the waharoa entrance to our school, and 2) on the basketball court near the playground. The bands will be on sale from 8:20-8:50am in the morning, and 2:50-3:15pm in the afternoon. We ask for a donation for these.
Sutherland Smoothies is a fun event where two student representatives from each Year 5-8 class will take part in a ‘Fear Factor’ stye event — drinking smoothies that Lachie choses the contents of, to replicate the drinks that he has as part of his treatment. This event will be held on Thursday 31st of October, from 2pm in the hall.
Shave Ya Lid For OUR Kid will involve several Year 7/8 students shaving their hair and all profits will go to Lachie. It will be held on Thursday 7th November, from 2pm in the hall. If you would like to donate to our cause we will be starting a Give a Little shortly (more information to come).
Laps for Lachie will be an overnight Year 5-8 event we are hoping to hold at Hansen Park from 6pm to 6am (date to be confirmed). We plan to hold a junior version for Year 0-4 from 6pm-8pm. In teams of four, there must always be someone moving around the 400m track. Teams may consist of families and friends — age is no limit! We plan to have a BBQ up and running, music and a range of fun games to keep you entertained well into the night.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could get behind this important cause. Lachie and his family are an important part of our school community and it’s important that they feel our love and support at this time! Any donation you make towards these events would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much
From the St Martins School Student Council