Come along to dance and have some fun! Dress up if it’s your thing (including parents).
FOR SALE: Hot Dogs (on a stick), Cookies, Chips/Crisps, drinks and ice blocks will be for sale. Polaroid photos too! Water is free! Free Face painting at Junior Disco. Bring coins. Prices 50c – $3.
Bring your named Water bottle if you like. Trays for them will be at the food table. Help save some cups going to waste.
Thanks to all the parents who’ve signed up to help. Only a few slots, left but we need you! Especially with food! Many hands make these things happen!
To help the event be awesome 
At 9pm is final clean up, where all hands on deck are needed so the Hall is left clean as a whistle. Just get stuck in and do a little part, then we’ll all get to go home earlier! maybe take a rubbish bag out to the skip, or help move chairs back into the hall, sweep, or help take decorations down…. The Polling Booth for Saturday is being set up afterwards, so we need a full tidy up.
WHEN: Doors open at 5.30pm (no earlier).Junior Disco for Years 0-4, 5.30-7pm.
There’s a quick clean up and re-set then the doors open for Senior Disco for Years 5-8, 7.30-9pm.
ARRIVING/ LEAVING: pay $5 cash Entry Fee at the door. (Please bring correct money, helps reduce queueing time).If you have 3 or more children at St Martins, buy ‘3 or more for $10′ tickets at office.If things are financially stretched at home, have a chat to Diane.
THE TIME DELAYS: Each child needs to be signed into and out of the Disco by a parent/caregiver. There will be sign-up sheets at the doors for this.
Year 0-2/5-6, your class lists will be up on the doorway closest to street.
Year 3-4/7-8 your class lists will be up at the doorway closest to Sportshed.
This process does mean queues, so come prepared. If wet, bring an umbrella!
At the end of the Disco, students will be waiting inside the Hall for you to collect them and sign them out.
NB: Especially for the Junior Disco, Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay, get into it and have fun! No charge for parents. Prize for Best Dressed Parent!CheersThe Disco Team