Orders for class and individual student photos need to be handed into the school office by this Friday, 13th March. Even if you have paid online to Heritage Photos, the order form (with your child’s photo attached) must be handed into the school office to enable Heritage Photos to link your payment with your order.
We will be having our term one goal setting conferences on Tuesday 17th March and Wednesday 18th March. This is an opportunity for all families to meet with their child’s/ children’s classroom teachers. We use the student profile sheets you have returned with information about your child to form part of the conversation, any questions you may have about the programme, how your child has settled in to learning for the year and information that we have collected or noticed so far. The children will also be sharing a goal based on the school values. The goal setting conferences are 15 minutes in length.
The goal setting conference timeframes are:
- Tuesday 17th March, 1.15 – 7.30pm
- School will close at 1.00pm on Tuesday 17th March
- Wednesday 18th March, 3.30 – 6.00pm.
To book a time please complete the following:
Enter code 8ephn
- or click on the link https://www. code=8ephn
- Enter your name, child’s name, room
- Select your child’s teacher
- Select the time you would like to meet
Online bookings open today and will close on Friday 13th March. If you do not have access to a computer to book online please contact Michele in the office (ph 332-6121 ext 701) to make an appointment for you.
- A Crèche will run in ToeToe / Rms 1 and 2. The Crèche is for young siblings you do not wish to take to the conferences.