Dear Parents and Caregivers,
What a week of weather we have had. Great to hear (and see) families are out and about in the sunshine, whether it’s going for a walk, jog, run or even learning to ride a bike while the streets are so quiet. Always good to feel the sun on your face when you can’t go very far and to get off the screen for a bit.
Thanks for engaging with the learning this week. I hope that everyone is getting into a bit of a routine and into the swing of the structured learning from home.
Just a reminder about the dates next week;
- Monday – a public holiday as ANZAC day is Mondayised
- Tuesday – staff only day for us to prepare for a small group of children to return to learning at school
- Wednesday – Friday – back into structured learning from home with our meets and zooms
Structured learning will be sent home to families later in the afternoon of Tuesday 28th April for the Wednesday start. Remember to do as much (or as little) as your family routine can cope with.
As you will be aware, on Tuesday next week we will be moving to Covid L3. This sees some small changes for all of us. Firstly thank you for keeping your children home wherever possible and only sending your children to school if there is no one to supervise them at home. This supports the Government’s message of working and learning from home. It also supports the safety of the staff and students coming to school for learning. If children don’t need to be at school, please don’t send them.
We thank the staff members who have offered to come out of their bubbles to be at school to support the learners onsite. As we have already shared, the children on site will be completing the same learning as those continuing to be at home. The Government, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education have given each school guidelines to follow. This means school will not be the same as before. We have four bubbles in the school ranging in size from three children to seven. Each bubble has been allocated a teacher from their year group and a teacher aide to support the learning taking place. We will be adhering to the social distancing rules of 1m apart inside and 2m outside. The four bubbles will be learning away from each other throughout the school. Thanks to Mike for organising the hand sanitizing equipment to be available in classrooms as we remember to keep Covid clean.
I have really enjoyed popping into more meets and zooms this week. Lovely to see children and parents join the meetings together. I hope that you and your children are enjoying this opportunity to stay connected.
We look forward to getting closer to having you back at school.
Have a great long weekend.
Stay local, stay safe, take care.