In the Library we’re interested in starting a new parenting collection available to parents/caregivers. We’re thinking of titles covering specific parenting skills such as Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys, Celia Lashlie’s He’ll be OK as well as other subjects like cooking for children, child health, helping children with basic skills (reading, maths etc) and helping children through difficult situations, new siblings etc.
I know many people, me included, buy these with great enthusiasm, they’re read once and then remain in near pristine condition sitting on our book shelves so, before we start purchasing titles we thought we’d see if there is anyone with possible books they’d like to donate. We would be looking for titles in very good condition and ones which fall into the criteria briefly outlined above.
If you feel you have any possible donations we’d love to see them – they can be brought to the Library or left for us at the Office. Please put your name so that we can return them to you if necessary.
Many thanks for your help with this, we do hope we can establish a collection which will make a difference and give guidance to at least some of our parent/caregiving community. Once it is ready to be used we will be sure to let all parents/caregivers know.
Many thanks