Dear Parents and Caregivers
As we return to school we are mindful that as much as possible we wish to return to normal routines. Our staff have been briefed in preparation for today. They will know and understand what to do if children appear anxious. We will be reassuring them they are safe, if this needs to be done.
Teachers will be monitoring student conversations to ensure they are appropriate and positive. During our eating times children will eat inside classrooms and again teachers will monitor conversations to ensure they are positive and appropriate.
We have taken the decision to go Tech free for the time being, simply to limit access to media reports or other material that may not be appropriate or helpful at this time. We trust you understand this decision.
The Wednesday stopwork meeting has been cancelled, therefore it will be school as usual for this Wednesday afternoon.
If you have any concerns, any worries about your child, or know anyone in our school community who needs support please let us know. We thank you for your trust and support at this very sad time.
Attached is a booklet prepared by Dr Kathleen Liberty that our teachers are using to guide their practice. You may find this helpful.