Dear Parents / Caregivers,
The Ministry of Education has requested under section 11H of the Education Act 1989 that St Martins School amends its enrolment home zone to manage our growing school roll and our building capacity.
The reason for this is to ensure that schools can manage the numbers of students attending their school and ensure an equitable spread of students between schools. Before amending our enrolment zone we are required to consult with our students, parents and local community, with parents of prospective students of St Martins School and with the Boards of other local schools that may be affected by the amendment.
Because of the significant crossover of our current enrolment home zones, we are working collaboratively with Thorrington School and Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto to develop our proposed amendments to our enrolment home zones. This will allow our schools and the Ministry of Education to effectively manage the capacity of our schools, both for now and the future.
Further information can be found in the attached letter as well as on our school website or displayed in the foyer of the office.
We invite your feedback on our proposed enrolment scheme amendment by Friday, 3rd April 2020. Please send your written feedback to our liaison person, Tom Scollard, c/o St Martins School, 24 Albert Terrace, St Martins, Christchurch 8022 or email him at