If you have been at school today you would have seen a big yellow digger has arrived and started the initial site works.
A number of trees unfortunately need to be removed as they are currently situated where the new building is going to be. You will be aware there are some special memorial trees on our site and special provision has been made for these trees. In fact the arborist has been in today conducting his assessment.
So over the next week or so the work happening will be to establish the site, silt mitigation (which we found out means stopping mud and silt spreading everywhere) and establishing the ‘build footprint’ for the school.
We have now received the latest architectural drawings and these are currently being enlarged so we can create a picture billboard display that we can place in a prominent area. This should hopefully give you a good indication of the floor plan and general look of the new build.
These images will also be lodged on the school website in the near future and we will give you notification once this has been done.