Kia ora Whānau – Greetings everyone.
I hope everyone has had a restful and enjoyable break. As you know, Rob is away this term and I will be Acting Principal. This is a very exciting term for me and I look forward to the challenge with enthusiasm. Term 3 is a short but action packed Term.
The major learning focus is through Visual and Performance Based Arts disciplines. Students and teachers will be learning about the Wonderful World of Wearable Arts, with the theme of Circus Arts. How exciting! The Performance week for the Wearable Arts Show will be in week 9. More information will follow, as we get closer to this event. Without the support and talent of Trudy Rowe, Amy Kenel and our Performance Arts Learning Team, this event would not be possible.
As a school, we will continue to review and develop our Mathematics learning programmes to ensure student engagement and achievement levels are high. Consequently, we will continue to work with Dr Bobbie Hunter and Trevor Bills during Term 3 to enable our staff to deliver the very best learning programmes in Mathematics. Both Bobbie and Trevor work out of Massey University, specialising in this area. The tutors will be in our school working with our students and staff during mid August. Our fabulous Mathematics Learning Team, led by Kate Keenan.
Our winter sporting programmes continue into Term 3 under the leadership of Jarad Pateman and Catherine Dalley. Other sporting activities this term include Badminton, Senior Skiing and Senior Koru Games.
From a cultural perspective, our fabulous Kapa Haka group will be performing in the South Island Cultural Festival. This group have worked extremely hard with the support of Carole Clark and our tutors Tania and Willie. The performance is held at the Horncastle Arena on the 29 August. It is always a magical performance. We hope to see you there!
As part of our Outdoor Education Programme, the Year 5-6 students will attend a camp at Living Springs early September. Catherine Dalley along with her fabulous team of teachers work really hard to ensure the activities your children participate in are of a really high quality. I really enjoy visiting the camp to share in their experiences. Check out their blog later in the term and share the student’s camp experiences also.
As you know, Garden to Table is a very special part of the Year 3-4 learning experiences. This programme will continue to run throughout Term 3 with the support of Dana, Howard and the fabulous parent helpers. Both Rob and I always enjoy sharing in the bounty! The food is always delicious.
As you can see many exciting things are happening at St Martins School during Term 3 and I have only enough space to mention a few! We are very lucky as a school to have such dedicated staff to ensure the children experience such engaging and high quality programmes.
Kind regards
Bernadette May