Kia ora Whānau – Greetings everyone.
A huge vote of thanks needs to go to the wonderful people who have been working hard to get our School fiesta up and going. Thanks also to all those families who have helped by providing goods for sale or services on the day. All we need now is a fine day so that our organisers hard work and efforts are rewarded.
While the weather is not looking to be 100% helpful we hope that this won’t deter families from coming along and supporting this very important School Community event. We look forward to seeing you there, and feel free to bring along as many friends and extended family as you can find.
Athletic Sports:
It was a great day for our athletics sports last week, and our children are to be commended for the way they actively participated and made the day so enjoyable, fun and exciting. We need to acknowledge the amazing work our Sports Co-ordinator, Jarad Pateman, has put into making sure this event runs smoothly. We will have a very strong team of athletes ready and keen to represent St Martins School at the Zone event.
We are now beginning the process of organising staffing for the 2017 school year. There will be a few changes afoot and we are currently in the process of recruiting staff for 2017. Congratulations to Brittany Turnbull who has won a position at Stanley Bay School in Auckland, and also to Jordan Engen who won a position at Cobham Intermediate School. Once we have completed this piece of exciting work we will share the outcomes.
Class placements 2017:
We are now beginning our process for organising the school and pods for 2017. As was the case for the start of 2016 most children will remain in the same pod. However, there may be some movement of students within or across pods in each of the year groups. We now extend an invitation for you to make us aware of, or to discuss any information that might be relevant to placement. If you would like to offer information that would help support this process please email . Bernadette May will then collate this information. Please ensure you email us any information by Friday 4th November at the latest.
As part of our class placement process, it is also important for us to know of any students who will not be returning in 2017. (We do not need to know about our current Year 8 students). Please inform the office by phone or by emailing as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Rob Callaghan