The excitement is building for the St Martins School Film Festival to be held on Tuesday 1st July, Wednesday 2nd July and Thursday 3rd July in the school hall. All of the children have been working very hard to make this a fantastic evening and celebration of learning.
Ticket sales have been very strong and the 6pm Wednesday evening performance is already sold out! Be in quick for tickets for the remaining sessions. These are being held on Tuesday 1st July at 7pm, a matinee session on Wednesday 2nd July at 1pm and the final performance is on Thursday 3rd July at 7pm. You are welcome to take your child out of class to attend the matinee performance with you.
Tickets for the evening sessions are $8.00 per adult and $4.00 per child – with St Martins School students and preschoolers being free but still needing tickets. The matinee tickets are $5.00 per adult.
If you have any questions or want to purchase tickets please see the staff in the office on Monday or Tuesday from 8am to 4pm.