Less than a week to go till our BIG SKATE this Saturday the 21st of September.
If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, then please see Diane in the office or even easier, pay online to the S’Mart Community Account and we’ll deliver the tickets to your child in their class.
And it’s not just for the kids! We’d love to see all the Mums, Dads, Grandparents, friends and family come along too. The more the merrier and the more we raise for our school.
When? September 21st 4:30-6:30
Where? Alpine Ice
Cost? $15 for a two hour session including skate hire
S’Mart Account number: ASB 12-3147-0420521-00. (Please use iceskate as reference)
It’ll be loads of fun. Can’t wait to see you there!