Building progress is being made steadily. However to ensure that the wall panels are all ready at the same time, and to avoid having to work across two weeks, their installation has been delayed to Week 5 of this term. So that means that this work will now happen starting on Monday 20th August and for all of that week, and probably the weekend. This is a major piece of work and during the week street parking will be under pressure due to the Christchurch City Council planned Capital Footpath Works. So please be prepared for some disruption during this week.
To prepare for the week of disruption the school has created an alternative evacuation process. We will also be limiting use of the hall to essential programmes only, like Kapa Haka, Garden to Table and the Breakfast and After School Homework Club programmes. Because of the limited access to the hall (via the footpath) any use will be scheduled and monitored during the week.
Despite the loss of some key playground space the vast array of activities available to the children has meant break times have been very smooth. The Gaga Dodgeball has been a huge hit to the extent its use now needs to be timetabled!
Early notice: Please note that Friday 14th September will be a Teacher Only Day. This will mean that the school will now close one day later at the end of the 2018 school year, which is Monday 17th December.
Kind regards
Rob Callaghan