Tuesday 24th June from 3.30pm and Tuesday 1st July from 3.30pm.
Booking online go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter Event Code 6RCQX
Booking open Tuesday 13th May and close 2.00pm Friday 20th June. If you do not have internet access you can phone the school and a booking will be made for you.
Phone the office on (03) 332 6121 and ask for Bridget in the library. Please call only between 8.45am to 9.30am.
A Creche will run out of the School Library from 3.30pm. The Creche is for siblings you do not wish to take to the conferences.
The aim of the conference is to share and celebrate your child’s achievement sensitively and help them set future learning goals and develop a sense of personal best.
If you require more detailed information or wish to discuss sensitive issues please make another time to meet with your child’s teacher outside the conference dates.
Our aim is to make the conferences a pleasant and informative experience for all. If you have any further questions please contact either the classroom teachers or Bernadette May.