Touch Managing Team – First Meeting – Term 3, Tuesday, 23 July, 7pm, School Staffroom
Help make the Thursday night S’Mart Touch Tournament happen!
Keen on Touch Rugby?
We are getting a group of parents/caregivers together to provide support running the S’Mart/PTA Touch Rugby Competition held in Term 4. This competition runs on Thursday’s after school at Waltham Park. Beginning on Thursday 24 October it runs for 6-7 weeks. The ‘Touch Managing Team’ will be involved with a range of roles including:
- Organising St Martin’s School Touch Teams
- General pre-tournament organisation
- Managing Junior Referees (Year 7/8 Referees)
- Marketing to other schools and sports co-ordinators
- Assisting at each Thursday night Touch Tournament (specific jobs assigned)
- Weekly website updating/draws/results/referee rosters/scorecards
Ideally, we are looking for around 6-10 people to assist our current co-ordinators with this super fun community event. Historically, this tournament attracts around 60 teams from schools throughout South Christchurch.
Put it in your diary now:
Initial meeting of the Touch Managing Team, Tuesday 23 July (first Tuesday of Term 3), 7pm in School Staffroom
Come along and find out how you can get involved!