Kia ora koutou te whānau
I would like to invite whānau to access our weekly ‘Drop-ins’ run by two of our kaimahi, Kevin Hapi and Anna Dawson working as part of Mana Ake.
Mana Ake is an early intervention service promoting wellbeing and supporting positive mental health for students in years 1-8.
The sessions will run every Thursday morning form 8:30am to 9:30am.
These sessions are focused supporting whānau around well-being and also what the Mana Ake service can provide for our community.
One of our inschool Social Workers, Lauren Thompson, will also be available to provide support to whānau around well-being and what the inschool service can offer.
This is a wonderful supportive service so please make use of it.
Warmest regards
Ngā mihi
Bernadette May