Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Just letting you know that tonight the teachers are preparing learning resources to be sent home tomorrow. This will vary depending on the age of your child. Across the school different year levels are collecting a few of the following to send home;
- Reading books
- Spelling
- Literacy worksheets
- Handwriting
- Maths booklets
- Maths text books
- Extra Library books
- Exercise books
We may be sending these home to return to school on Monday, the best case scenario would be that the school resources have a holiday at your house for the weekend. On the flip side if the alert levels change then each child will have some physical resources they might be able to use. Obviously we can’t predict the length of time we might be at a different level so we are simply sending a small collection of learning.
Some families may need access to devices again. We have been informed that at Alert L3 families will be able to collect devices as long as social distancing is adhered too – much like picking up a takeaway is the model being used. We will hold off sending devices home tomorrow, however they will be ready for next week if needed.
Thanks for your ongoing support,