Over the break an amazing amount of progress has been made with our new build. The roofing has been completed, scaffolding has come down, internal linings are almost complete and services like water, power, data and communications are 95% linked up and the building is in a fully lockable state.
If you had been down here in the week before school opened you would have seen an amazing amount of industry happening. We purposely started back a bit later to give builders a clear run so that significant earth and ground works could be taken care of.
Based on the information from our latest meeting with the Project Management team, they still tell us the building will be ready and open to start in Term 2. At the same time as we move into this block, we have to move out of the 2 storey block from Room 10 to 17 and which also houses the school office, admin and staffroom.
Our thinking at this stage is the school offices will work from what will become the school library space for Terms 2 to 4. So we will need your patience especially at the end of the term as we pack up and the start of term 2 when we work out which way is up and which way is down!
The 2 storey block will be ring fenced but access will be maintained up the main driveway and down the external steps going from the junior area down to Rooms 18 amd 19. However the bike stand, scooter stand and storage area will be completely fenced off and this means we will need to find an alternative area to store bikes and scooters.
So obviously you can see this is a work in progress – as we solve each problem we will let you know the solutions. All in all it is very exciting – progress is moving along so well.